Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Week 24, day 3.

Sitting in a flat that I have called home for the past 2 months, surrounded by a modest pile of belongings, preparing to move on to my 3rd London home.... perfect time for a blog.

The past three weeks has been crazy to the point that I nearly went back to Glasgow but preparing to leave the current flat and move to the next has reinvigorated my sense of hope. Moving in with a man on the cusp of turning 40, who is leaving the Army, separating from his wife and child, trying to prove himself to everyone and spends far too much time with his hands in his pants and his mind in everyone elses, was clearly a bad idea... but hindsight is a wonderful thing. And there was a puppy!

What have I learned from this? Well, cheap rent is cheap for a reason. Whether its because the flatmate shouldn't be subletting an Army subsidised family home or because you are living in a punk rock squat, you will pay a price eventually.

Next, puppies are cute, but unless you have a garden, puppy school enrollment form, someone to look after it during the day and a conscience deep enough to not kick its ass when it pees on the carpet.... don't get a puppy. In a similar vain, unless you know that the owner of the puppy has all of the above... don't take the flat.

Last lesson and probably the most important... Good friends are not the ones who turn their back when you need them most and they are not necessarily the ones you have known for the longest time. Since moving to London I have learned a lot about friends and despite what I thought in June, I have a lot of them, if it wasn't for those friends I don't know where I would be right now but it probably wouldn't be in London moving on to bigger and better things.